Use a pacer like a pen or your finger& as a focal point to draw your eye across the line or down the page. 使用节奏器,例如一支笔或手指,以在阅读一行或一页时,形成一种注视焦点。
While Apple was waiting for its patent to be issued, Samsung unveiled phones that opened when a user touched the center of a circle on the screen, and dragged a finger to any point outside the circle. 就在苹果公司等待专利发布的时候,三星发布了自己的手机,用户点触屏幕中心的圆圈,然后向圆圈以外的任何一点拖滑手指就可以实现解锁。
Then I want to make my index finger point towardS the surface. 然后让食指指向那个曲面。
Say when you're at the front of C prime, your thumb points to the right, your index points up because that's where the surface is, and then your middle finger will point out. 你在曲线C的前端,你的拇指指向右边,你给指出来了,因为那就是这个表面所在,然后你的中指就会指出。
I'm gonna use my left finger and my right finger and each of which is gonna point at the start of each of this list. 用我的左手手指和右手手指,每个手指指向每个列表的开始处。
I'd finger paint more, and point the fingers less. 我要少对他指手划脚,却多多抓着他的小手一起画画。
Of, relating to, or resembling a digit, especially a finger. Point up, Point down and Show us five. 手指的手指的、与手指有关的或类似手指的指上,指下,伸出五个手指。
But the center of mass you see it when I balance it on my finger is way below the suspension point. 而重心-,你们可以看到-,在悬挂点下方。
Press beside the acupuncture point with the nail of the thumb or the index finger of the left hand and keep the needle tip closely to the nail, and then insert the needle point the point. ①指切进针法:左手拇指端或食指尖切按在穴位旁边,右手持针,针尖紧靠指甲刺入腧穴。
This enhancement may act like a finger near a doorknob, briefly raising the electric field to the point where a conventional electrical breakdown can take place. 增强型场效应晶体管这种作用可能类似门把附近的手指头,使电场短暂增强到一般电崩溃的发生点。
Clean your finger, before you point at my spots. 在指出别人缺点前先改掉自己的缺点。
If you look at the base of your ring finger, there is probably a band of two or three creases; take the mid point of the one closest to the palm and measure to the tip of the finger. 若你观察无名指指根,那儿可能有2或3道皱纹痕,取最接近手掌的折痕的中点一直量到指尖。
He raised his finger to point, holding the fishing pole in his other hand. 他一手拿着钓竿,另一手抬起来指了一指。
Use your whole hand rather than your index finger to point. ( whatever happened to precision engineering!) 用你的整个手,而不是食指来指出来。(那是发生在精确的工程学上的)
The designing and calculating method of contour plate taking into consideration the profile finger's arc radius and diamond pen point's arc radius is introduced, and the design result is proven with some production examples. 文章介绍了考虑仿形指尖圆弧半径和金刚笔尖圆弧半径的仿形样板设计计算方法,并用生产实例验证了设计结果。
Multi-center clinical research on six finger to six point and rotation and stretching manipulation in treating knee osteoarthritis 六指六穴点压及膝关节旋转屈伸手法治疗膝骨关节炎的多中心临床实验
In 6 cases, the defect of finger pulp was repaired, and the 2 point discrimination was measured 8 10 mm. 指腹缺损修复6例皮瓣两点辨别觉为8~10mm。在远端旋转点移位的2例,术后拇指远节臃肿,影响美观。
Conclusion The indication of special type severed limb ( finger) replantation was expanded. the indication choice, function reconstruction after operation, repair method of different tissue and key point of operation was explored. 结论通过上述临床研究,扩大了特殊类型断肢断指再植,并探索出在特殊性断肢断指再植术中各种组织修复方法和术后康复与功能重建等观点。
Fasting finger point blood glucose, 2 h postprandial blood glucose, fasting plasma glucose, 2 h postprandial blood plasma glucose and HbA1c were measured. 测定指标包括空腹指尖血糖、空腹静脉血浆血糖、餐后2h指尖血糖、餐后2h静脉血浆血糖和HbA1c等。
Drilling holes in the distal phalanx near to backside of basilar part for repair of extensor tendon Zone ⅰ avulsion of finger in the stop point 远节指骨靠近基底部背侧钻孔修复指伸肌腱Ⅰ区止点处撕脱伤
AIM: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of six finger to six point and rotation and stretching manipulation in treating knee osteoarthritis, and compare it with Du Ning's manipulation. 目的:观察六指六穴点压及膝关节旋转屈伸手法治疗膝骨关节炎的临床疗效,并与杜宁手法对比。
Methods: 132 cases of L3 TPS were treated by massage manipulation ( chiefly by finger-rubbing manipulation, point-pressing manipulation, flicking-moving manipulation, oblique-moving manipulation and pulling-shaking manipulation). 方法:对132例L3横突综合征患者运用推拿手法(主要为指揉法、点按法、弹拨法、斜搬法、牵抖法)治疗。
On this base, a pneumatic device for rebuilding the tactility is designed that can truly reflect the tactility of a finger in the dimension of point, line and area. 在此基础之上,最终设计出了能够较真实地反映出点、线以及面触感的气动触觉感知再现装置。
Objective: To observe the Clinical Effects of Treating Trigger Finger by Acupuncture and Points MassageMethod: 27 cases of Trigger Finger patients were treated with acu-points massage first, ouch point and point selection according to the channel. 目的:观察针刺配合穴位按摩治疗弹响指的临床疗效。方法:27例弹响指患者均先接受穴位按摩的治疗,以阿是穴为主穴,并根据患指循经取穴。
The track record of finger point is under gets the finger point and then records the the movement of the point, to achieve gesture recognition that is the more complex. 手指点的跟踪是在获得手指点的前提下,对手指点的运动进行标记记录,以实现更复杂的手势识别。